Starfield Constellation Timeline Explained

Starfield Constellation Timeline Explained

Starfield is one of the most anticipated games of the year. Bethesda wanted to go big with this title, as demonstrated by the various trailers and showcases that have been published, not only on a technical level but also on a narrative level. For this reason, the developers wanted to share the Starfield Constellation timeline with players in which the salient moments that led to the creation of what we will then see happen in the game are explained. If you are not afraid of a few small spoilers about what happened, we advise you to read this article to get a better understanding of what the Starfield narrative is.

From colonisation to alien artefacts
The first human landing on Mars dates back to 2050. A few decades later, humans managed to settle on the red planet, and by 2100, they began colonising space as well. To be precise, in 2156, humans arrived at Alpha Centauri, 4.37 light-years from Earth. This was an unprecedented event, and given the rapid expansion of humans in space, they decided to create a joint colony in 2159. To be precise, in 2160, the city of New Atlantis was founded and became the capital of the United Colonies in 2161.

Let’s move forward a few years and we find ourselves in 2167, the year Solomon Coe founded his first settlement and named it Akila City. More than twenty years after establishing his first settlement, Coe invited Wally and Cheyenne to join him in forming a new alliance: the Free Star Collective. The Alliance was officially founded the following year, in 2189.

Meanwhile, research on the United Colonies continued until 2194, when they sent a clinic star station into orbit near the planet Dipala in the Narion system. The inhabitants of the system saw this move as a threat from the United Colonies’ expanding borders and demanded that the station be removed. As expected, the United Colonies rejected the offer, so the inhabitants of the Narion system decided to ally themselves with the Free Star Collective, which had promised to protect the system in 2195. The following year, in response to this affiliation, the United Colonies sent their own fleet from the allied Narion system. This was the final straw that broke the camel’s back, and the Narian War began.

Twenty years later, the Narion War continued, much to the displeasure of public opinion. Fortunately, both sides signed the Treaty of Narion in 2216, ending the conflict. Predictably, after twenty years of conflict, both powers were overwhelmed, meaning that the hierarchy of the two alliances had changed. In this context, in 2221, the Free Star Collective created an elite protection and investigation force, the Free Star Rangers, whose purpose was to protect the citizens of the Collective.
Spanning nearly 50 years, by 2275, Sebastian Banks founded Constellation.The original team included Chloe Bao (physicist), Aja Mamasa (Sebastian’s youngest and longest serving member), Darius Andris (botanist and exotic plant expert), Bernadette Laurent (heir and adventurer), Everado Gil (former smuggler) and Kadri Toma (biologist and physicist). The lodge was set up in New Atlantis to cater for future generations of Constellation children and grandchildren.

Fast forward another twenty years and we find ourselves in the year 2305, the year Beret joined Constellation. Two years later, in 2307, the Free Star Collective began an expedition to Vesta in the Lunar System. The following year, the United Colonies claimed that the Free Star Collective had violated the terms of the Treaty of Narion by establishing a colony in the Fourth Star System. Unfortunately, diplomacy was to no avail, and the United Colonies invaded Vesta, killing all those charged with the defence of the planet. At this point, the Colonial War, the second war between the two alliances, began.

Meanwhile, in 2310, Constellation acquired the first Artifact and kept it in its archives. This would prove to be the pivotal event.In 2311, the war between the United Colonies and the Freestar Group was effectively over after several years of conflict, with the Freestar Group defeating the enemy fleet at the Battle of Cheyenne thanks to hit-and-run tactical attacks. Following this second conflict, riots once again arose between the Union hierarchy, and it was for this reason that the United Colonies formed the United Colonies Vanguard in 2315 as a response to the Liberty Star Group’s use of civilian vessels during the war. The Corps represented civilian marines, and its soldiers were civilians sworn to protect the United Colonies.

In 2319, Sarah Morgan was appointed in charge of the Navigational Corps sector, but this position did not last long as the United Colonies decided to suppress the sector the following year (2320). However, in 2321, Walter Stroud, Stroud-Ecklund was an early spacecraft manufacturing company that joined Constellation and became its main financier. Over the next few years, a number of characters joined Constellation, including Vladimir Sall, Matteo Khatri, Noel, Sam and Cora Coe, and Andreja, while Sarah Morgan became a member of Constellation in 2325. Morgan became acting chair of the constellation in 2325.

Meanwhile, in 2326, Berrett discovered the talisman in the Constellation archives, and he knew it was something special. Two years after this great discovery, Berrett himself persuaded Constellation to purchase Starstation L-868 and turn it into a space scanner called “The Eye”. And so, two years later, in the year 2330, the story of Starstation began.

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